公司荣誉 Company Honors

   公司创始团队成员荣获多项荣誉“杨浦区博士后创新实践基地”、“杨浦创业之星”等。公司依托同济大学,以产学研理念研发的核心技术—“智慧雨洪管理系统”已成功应用于多个大型市政雨污分流、调蓄截污等工程,并获得专利。该技术荣获“2018 年上海市产业青年创新大赛银奖”,雨洪管理团队被评为“上海市青年突击队”

   The founding team members of the company have received numerous honors such as the "Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base of Yangpu District" and the "Yangpu Entrepreneurship Star". The company, relying on Tongji University and guided by the concept of integrating production, education, and research, has developed the core technology "Intelligent Stormwater Management System," which has been successfully applied in multiple large-scale municipal projects for rain and sewage diversion, storage, and interception, and has obtained patents. This technology won the Silver Award in the "2018 Shanghai Youth Innovation Competition in Industry," and the stormwater management team was recognized as the "Shanghai Youth Commando Team."

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